

Why join us?

PEOPLE are the greatest asset of our company. That’s why a friendly working environment where we are all equal partners is our top priority, day in, day out. We want to make sure that each and every one of US enjoys a comfortable working environment and is given the opportunity to develop professionally.

Medezin - największą wartością firmy są ludzie

Medezin - kariera

  • From day one, we’ll help you properly settle into your new job. You’re not on your own here - as a new employee, you are assigned a Buddy, who makes sure that your onboarding process is smooth and stress-free.
  • Thanks to our fine-tuned new employee onboarding process, you will get to know our company and its organizational structure quickly, efficiently and comprehensively.

What do we offer?

Medezin - oferujemy prywatną opiekę medyczną

Private medical care

Medezin - oferujemy system kafeteryjny  MyBenefit

Access to the MyBenefit
cafeteria system

Medezin - oferujemy karty przedpłacone  na święta

Prepaid cards for
the holidays

Medezin - oferujemy dofinansowanie  do wczasów

Holiday leave

Medezin - wyprawki  przedszkolno-szkolne

Supplies for
preschool and school needs

Medezin - owocowe środy  w biurze

Fruit basket

Medezin - dofinansowanie do kart sportowych

Allowances for
sports memberships

Medezin - szczepienia przeciwko  grypie

Flu vaccinations

Medezin - oferujemy pracownikom pożyczki na cele  remontowo-mieszkaniowe

Loans for renovation
or housing

Medezin - ubezpieczenie lekowe

Prescription medication insurance

Medezin - ubezpieczenie grupowe

Group insurance

Medezin -  karty przedpłacone  na Dzień Dziecka

Prepaid cards
for Children's Day

Medezin - bezzwrotne zapomogi

Non-repayable allowances

Medezin - dodatkowe świadczenia socjalne

Additional social

Medezin - inicjatywy dobroczynne

Charitable initiatives

Medezin - kariera w Medezin


Modern office

Our recruitment process involves the following stages:

Medezin - 1 etap rekrutacji wstępna selekcja

Initial selection

Initial selection involves verifying your CV with the requirements of a given job offer; this is done by the HR Department.

Medezin - 2 etap rekrutacji rozmowa telefoniczna

Telephone interview

with selected candidates who best meet our expectations.

Medezin - 3 etap rekrutacji rozmowa kwalifikacyjna

In-person Interview

During the interview, you as a Candidate will have the opportunity to present yourself and get to know what our expectations are as your potential Employer.

Medezin - opcjonalny, dodatkowy etap rekrutacji

Additional stage (optional)

In certain cases, the process may include some additional stages. Sometimes we introduce a stage where we ask a Candidate to complete a test that verifies hard skills or personality traits. Sometimes the additional stage involves a conversation with the Management Board of the Company.

Medezin -etap finalny - oferta pracy dla kandydata


We will extend a job offer to the candidate who meets our expectations to the highest degree.

Medezin - 2 etap rekrutacji rozmowa telefoniczna

Telephone interview

with selected candidates who best meet our expectations.

Medezin - opcjonalny, dodatkowy etap rekrutacji

Additional stage (optional)

In certain cases, the process may include some additional stages. Sometimes we introduce a stage where we ask a Candidate to complete a test that verifies hard skills or personality traits. Sometimes the additional stage involves a conversation with the Management Board of the Company.

Medezin - przejdź do ofert pracy

Our main goal and focus is to make the entire recruitment process fast and efficient. All Candidates who have been invited to an in-person interview will receive feedback on the status of their applications in the recruitment process.

Go to job offers